InQA demos

This site is used as a place to demonstrate various technical items to clients and other visitors of our main site


Adding a chatbot to your website can provide an interactive experience for your users while at the same time reducing demands on your staff's time. This should free them up to deal with more complex enquiries. Chatbots can also be used to speed up employee training by providing a very accessible source for staff to obtain information internally. Chatbots can also be added to Microsoft Teams in Office 365, Skype for Business and other channels.

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Big data

When the number of records starts running into the millions (or indeed billions or more), or need to be analysed in real time (e.g. because they come from a streaming feed), different tools and techniques are needed.

See an example »

Covid-19 model


A web version of Professor David Wilkie's model for the #Covid-19 pandemic.

See the model »

Data science

Data science or predictive analytics can help you get insight from your data in order to improve your operations (e.g. increase sales, prevent breakdowns of components, increase the quality of the recommendations you make to your customers).

We plan to add an example of this soon.